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Menu of the week

2 courses

menu according to the market,
only served during the week,
not on fridays or holidays

45 lunch – diner

Menu of the month

available until August 31st

* Wild Sea bass “ceviche”

avocado | miso
Royal Belgian caviar “Platinum” 10gr suppl. 25

* Filet of Rye from the Nord Sea

broccoli | Bouchot mussels

° Breton Lobster

Samphire | bouillon of vegetables

Foie gras on the plancha

fennel | green tomatoes

* Filet mignon “Iberico”

girolles | Ratte de Touquet

* Red fruits “Frambiosa y Besos”

limoncello | hibiscus

*   4 courses menu 68 (not available on Saturday)

wine tasting 30

° 5 courses menu 85

wine tasting 40

6 courses menu 105

wine tasting 45

Wine per glass by the dish 10

Menu of the week

2 courses

menu according to the market,
only served during the week,
not on fridays or holidays

45 lunch – diner

Menu of the month

available until August 31st

* Wild Sea bass “ceviche”

avocado | miso
Royal Belgian caviar “Platinum” 10gr suppl. 25

* Filet of Rye from the Nord Sea

broccoli | Bouchot mussels

° Breton Lobster

Samphire | bouillon of vegetables

Foie gras on the plancha

fennel | green tomatoes

* Filet mignon “Iberico”

girolles | Ratte de Touquet

* Red fruits “Frambiosa y Besos”

limoncello | hibiscus

*   4 courses menu 68 (not available on Saturday)

wine tasting 30

° 5 courses menu 85

wine tasting 40

6 courses menu 105

wine tasting 45

Wine per glass by the dish 10